Participants have already ordered the removal of 1754 tons of CO₂ from the atmosphere
The project

flow earth restores reciprocity between society and nature

We capture your CO₂ emissions with C4 grasses and trees
Our ISO 14064 Validated Skymining® process combines CO₂ removal from the atmosphere with different methods of long-term and permanent storage of the sequestered carbon.

The most affordable and scalable method of CO₂ removal is establishing C4 grasses on marginal land to create regenerative farms.

We have also chosen Teak and Oak to be part of our global carbon sequestration program.
Grasses are transformed into biochar to store your CO₂ permanently in healing soils
Our value chain combines the special bundle cells in C4 grasses, which are the most efficient natural CO₂ removal pumps in the world, with modern industrial scale pyrolysis technology that converts grasses into biochar and other valuable products.

Biochar is a plant-based charcoal used in agriculture to increase soil quality. It ensures a 1,000+ year permanent storage of the CO₂.
The healed soils become biodiverse farms that generate future income
When soils have been improved by adding Soil Organic Carbon and biochar, the farms will produce increased yields of:
Zero Emission Jet Fuel
Solid Carbon Negative Fuel (CNF)
The income stream from the C4 grass projects
will lower the cost of your CO₂ removal and storage
The income stream from the C4 grass projects will lower the cost of your CO₂ removal and storage
ISO 14064 validated process
Skymining® process is backed by an ISO 14064 validation by DNV that confirms the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and Soil Carbon Sequestration and Storage capacity of our projects.


1-page Flow Earth summary

Sample Certificate

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